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Showing posts from June, 2016

Notice of Past Due Rent

How to write notice of past due rent to tenant [Date] To:           [Tenant’s Name] From:      User Rent in the amount of $ [amount]  was due on the  [day]  day of  [Month] ,  [year] , for the period of  [date] , to  [date] . Please bring your payment to the address below by  [date] , to avoid a $ [amount]  late fee, or call us immediately. Please disregard this notice if you have already sent us your rent. Sincerely, User , Landlord [Street Address] [City, ST ZIP Code] [phone] [cell phone] [email]

Notice of rent increase sample letter

How to write Notice of rent increase sample letter or email [Date] To:           [Tenant’s Name] This is to inform you that effective  [date] , the rent for the unit you now occupy at  [property address]  will be increased to $ [amount] , payable on the  [day]  day of each month. All other terms of our rental agreement continue to remain in effect. Thank you for choosing to live at  [rental property name] . We appreciate your tenancy. Sincerely, User , Landlord [Street Address] [City, ST ZIP Code] [phone] [cell phone] [email]

Sample request letter for repair services to tenant

How to write Sample request letter for repair services to tenant Date [Tenant’s Name] [Street Address] [City, ST ZIP Code] Dear  [Tenant’s Name] : As tenant of the premises located at  [Street Address] , you are hereby requested to make the following repairs: ·           [Repair #1] ·           [Repair #2] ·           [Repair #3] ·           [Repair #4] ·           [Repair #5] In addition, please make any other repairs required to maintain the premises as specified in our lease, dated  [date]  (a copy of which is attached). Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Please contact us if you have any questions. Sincerely, User , Landlord [Street Address] [City, ST ZIP Code] [phone] [cell phone] [email] Enclosure