Summary: Expressive Romantic letter is written impressively for your loving partner and she will surely impress with this. Expressive means specifiying everything clearly and in simplest form. Expressing your feelings through words is not so easy but mentioning them in a letter will make your task easy. In this letter let your feelings flow for your loved one.
To, xyz
Dear Princess,
You changed my life from Drought River into replenished art of living. You are the very special person in my life whom I can never forget even in dream. You just carried the love and happiness along with you and filled my small life with desire to live with enthusiasm. You are that special one who has raised the desire within me. You are the source for the fire with which I do anything, fire for proving and do something special for my princess.
I still remember those days, which I have gone through with hope not seen to the far edges of life. Not bringing the light into my life with great hope but directed me in right way due which I am in the position you are seeing me today. You support for me in tremendous and remarkable in every down in my life. It is not my turn to make you happy and I promise that I will treat you as lovely princess for ever in my life and will stand up for your protection in every problem you face.
Lastly one simple wish- “will you marry this guy”
Yours forever