Summary: Love is an emotional feeling of two hearts, which comes from bottom of your heart. Writing emotional romantic letter means you have some painfull moments in life these days and you want emotional support from your partner. Convey this message to them through this letter and make this let this time pass away easily.
My love,
From the day, I met you until now we never stayed away from each other. There is no single day that I did not meet you and moved hand in hand on the beach side together. Now I think it is the testing phase god has put us into to realize how great we love each other. I am sure that it would be with blink of eyes that we would overcome this time.
Sweetheart, in our stay together their might be situations where I would have hurt you, but that was not intentional and more over my heart will be broken when you are hurt and my heart weeps a lot when you cry with your eyes.
I promise to you that I will not be able to stay away from you for longer duration and hence would be back as soon as I complete my studies, which I am doing for our future. Nevertheless, this is beginning of the love life I would say, as we both will be bonded together in pain from distance.
Always Yours XYX