Summary: Romantic letters is a simplest form of uttering your emotions. A cute romantic letter is best for loving and caring emotions. They add special touch of feelings in the heart of reader and no matter where they are theirs love will go more deep for you.
Agra, April 28, 2010
My dear Shilpa,
I am writing this sitting in the middle of classroom for letting you know how much I miss you. This is first time I stopped talking to my friends in a class break and writing to you. I am sure you would be taking tense. But no tension as the teacher is not in the class. Though I am writing this letter I am sure you will understand me and have confidence in me that I will do well in exams and get good job to keep you happy.
The green trees that blow cool breeze beside my window will always remind you to me through the fragrance of the flowers they carry with them. It is so thrilling that I am getting disturbed with your thoughts during class time. I remember you in each beautiful thing that comes in my way.
I can’t wait any more waiting for my semester to complete to enjoy having pop corn with you and buying a cute pretty dress for you. I love you sweetheart and your response too.
Yours forever, Sunny