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Showing posts from December, 2013

Sample Reference Thank You Letter

Summary: Sample reference thank you letter is a kind of thank you letter that states your sincerest gratitude to a person on behalf of his or her referral. This is a simple semi formal letter that expresses deep thankfulness for the support that a person gives you a favor. Reference thank you letters: From: Manager Trust Service Limited New Delhi 2 nd  October, 2007 Dear Sir/Madam, I like to earnestly thank you for the reference letter that you gave me by the time that I relocated and choose to transfer. The reference letter helps me a lot since it tilts the balance in my own favor and it get me the right career of my choice along with the great opportunities. I earnestly thank you again for all those kind words and assistance that you had given me. It really helps a lot in boosting me and my career. I greatly appreciate everything that you have extended and the assistance that you have granted me. If there’s anything that I can do for you, or any help that I can extend to you it would

Reference Letter from Professor for job

Summary: Reference Letter from Professor is made by a teacher to recommend his or her student for a certain job. The letter will picture the traits and characteristics of the student that will guarantee how good and well his former student is. To the Manager, 174 Sand Fork Road South Bend, IN 46625 Dear Sir, I am sending you one of my students namely Ms. Monreal, she is a civil engineering student from our University. He will finish her engineering degree this semester and she is great in term of academics. She comes from a poor family and she definitely needed a job. Having known that your team encourages creative mind in your collaboration projects with Ayala Lands, I am referring this lady as one of the candidates for the announced position as Junior Civil Engineer. I am very sure that she will prove her determination to bring success to your projects. So, please consider her requisition one of the candidates for the said position. She obtains a proven record of accomplishment of ge

Teacher Reference Letter

Summary: Teacher Reference Letter is made to recommend a certain individual for a teacher work. This is done to show the professionalism and the capability of the individual in being a teacher. This will serve as a picture on how the person could be great teacher. Principal St. John High School 1778 Chandler Hollow Raid Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Honorable Principal, This is a recommendation to the applicant, Sam who has appeared for the interview, for the position of Science teacher in your school. I should appeal that the applicant has passed her Bachelor of education degree in merit by getting A+ grade with 92% of marks. Her teaching capabilities are natural. She gets the highest grade, ever got by any B.ED trainee in her seminar and technical skill assessment exam. In terms of teaching she uses the latest method. She likes to share advanced methods of learning to her students. As an individual, she is generous, patient and compassionate. She acquires the passion to shape out the future o

Reference Letter from Current Employer

Summary: Reference letter from current employers are more like of a persuasive and compelling letter to another employer wherein their previous employee wants to work. This can only be acquired if you have been good and efficient enough in doing your duties and tasks from your previous employers. This is also important in order for you to attain prospective employers. The Administrator, Heilo Solutions, USA. To Whom It May Concern: This is for the reference needed for the applicant, Lance Herbert who has applied for senior administrator in your office. I would like to inform you that the applicant worked in my company as administrative personnel in a span of three years and later promoted to senior administrative officer in our office for one year. He is a workaholic person who is very efficient in his tasks. In his stay as one of my administrative officer, I would like you to know that he never disappoint me of doing his duty. In fact, he was about to be promoted when he decided to ap

Reference Letter from Neighbor

Neighbor reference letter is very essential if you are to apply for vital documents from various government and private offices and sectors. This is to prove that you are a very good and responsible individual as a resident in your place. In some ways, it can also contribute a lot in making the process of the documents that you need faster. Officer in charge, EQ Financial Assistance Office Arizona, USA To Whom It May Concern: This is to inform you that Mr. Hatton has established his proof of residence. I have known Mr. Hatton as a neighbor for the past six years and he has been a resident in the fifth street #49 here in the village, Happy Homes Village, Arizona, USA. He had been a very nice and kind neighbor. Whenever mishaps or troubles happen in our village, he is one of the residents who always react positively. He does not have any records fighting with our neighbors and there are also no any troubles in the village that involves his name. He is also one of the officers in our vill

Reference Letter For Scholarship

Summary: This is a kind of a referral letter that states how competent a person is for a certain scholarship. Scholarship reference letter is normally used when a person applies for a school grants and scholarship. Card Scholarship Committee, 235679-9076 West Avenue, Port Michael, New York September 30, 2009 Dear Madam/Sir, Clark Yu is a student of University of Washington and I’m pleased to recommend his for consideration to received scholarship. I have been Clark’s professor in Political Science and Sociology. Clark is a very competent and hardworking student and has been acquiring good grades since he joined in the university. He was also awarded for having an outstanding work and performance in the last semester and receives a shopping voucher of about $100 worth from the school to purchase books. Clark is not only very intelligent in academics for he is also very active with his extra curricular activities. He is also a part of the university basketball team and manages his time w

Reference Letter for Internship

Summary: Reference letter for internship is usually from school administrators or professors. This is to assure companies that their students are capable of doing the job which are typically consigned to students that are on-the-job training. If you are a student then you should know that this is one of the vital documents that you should prepare as your main requirement for internship. The Manager Biggs Diner Idaho, USA Sir/Madam: This is to inform you that the applicant for internship in your company, Mabel Brooks is interested to intern in your corporation. She is my student and I can assure you that she has finished her four year course in HRM program that secures almost a hundred percent in Food and Restaurant Management. She wanted to finish internship programs in your excellent and high standard company. This student is also undeniably good when it comes to food serving and food preparation. The major purpose of this reference is for the applicant to experience the real world of

Medical Reference Letter from a Doctor

A doctor’s reference letter is very important especially if you are applying for a job that requires credibility, trustworthiness and integrity. It is also one of the major requirements in any company once you apply for any position whether it is necessary in the field or in the administrative office. The Management Technology Solutions Beverly Hills USA. Dear Sir/Madam: This is for medical references of the applicant, Steve Jenny that you sent in my clinic for a series of medical tests that are one of your requirements for employment in your company. I would like to inform you that the applicant is mentally and physically healthy. He had passed all the essential medical tests that you require us to conduct. We also test his blood to detect if he is suffering from serious health conditions like diabetes, bacterial, or viral infections. His ECG, height, and weight are also normal. The other essential medical tests that the applicant went through are all normal. These results made me con

Reference Letter from a Manager

This letter is very essential for applicants since it is a proof that they had been a very good employee to their previous employers. In a point of fact, this can also be a perfect assurance for companies and firms that those people that they hire are exceptionally responsible and can be dreadfully efficient in the position that they applied for. The management, IFU Solutions, Beverly Hills, USA. Sir/Madam: This is for your reference about your applicant Mr. Mario McKinley for the position of sales clerk in your company. I want to inform you that Mr. McKinley has been a very good employee in my company as a sales agent for two years and later promoted as sales clerk in a span of three years. In five years of working for me, I can confidently say that he can be very dependable and responsible for the position that he is applying for in his company. If not for his irrevocable resignation because he has to leave my company for personal yet valid reason, I’d rather say that I don’t want hi

Nanny Reference Letter

Summary: Nanny Reference Letter is given for a certain individual who will be hired as a nanny. This person writes down an endorsement that acclaims the nanny as a good employer. This shows that the nanny has no wrong doings and does her jobs to the best of her ability. Shauna P. Stanley Trusted Nannies Incorporated 2189 Garfield Road Bloomington, IL 61704 Dear Madam, Jessica Sweet is a Nanny who loves by all of the children that she had attended for almost 23 years of work life. She is not only a professional nanny but also she knows the complex facts about raising a child in this modern time. She already receives so many honors in her profession as a nanny that was given to her by her previous employers. Some of the great things that she does is helping children that acquires troubled grades to improve through her watchful mentorship and go beyond her way to advise these children well into puberty and beyond on how to embrace life well. She is absolutely giving her best so that the c

Landlord reference letter template

Summary: A landlord reference letter is a kind of referral letter that states your good stay and cooperation in the apartment that you rented. This is also a proof that you are a good tenant and you planned to leave for another unit. Richie White 4 th  North Avenue, Boston, UK October 28, 2009 Dear Ms. White, This is letter to verify that Mr. West and his wife are my tenants in 28 Street, Block 5 North Avenue, London. He pays £650 each month for the two bed room unit. Mr. West has been the tenant of our unit since January 2007 and they have been very cooperative. Except by the time he lost his career, the rent has been paid on due date. This great rent was settled with in two weeks. Mr. West keeps the unit and its surrounding clean and orderly. He is very careful not to bother his neighbors and he doesn’t even do loud music or engage to some impolite doings. His pet dog is not a problem as well and don’t caused disturbance to their neighbors. Mr. West gave us one month notice of having

Job reference letter from employer

Summary: This letter is very important if you are to apply for any position in various companies. Usually this kind of letter is comprised of letters for employment references and character references. The previous company you used to work, your neighbors, or the people who knows you professionally usually writes it. Mr. James Courtney, Inner Trade Financial Corporation, Idaho, USA. To Whom It May Concern: This is for general references that you will need about Mr. John Diaz who applied for the position of accounting office clerk in your office. I want to inform you that Mr. Diaz has worked in my accounting firm as financial consultant for a couple of years. He did an excellent job during his stay in my firm as financial consultant, I proved his skills and knowledge in analyzing financial situations in the market, and he is good when it comes to judgment about financial strategies that a financial corporation should practice. I believe that he can be excellent in the position the he ap

Reference from Head of the Department

If you are to transfer from one school to another or if you are to switch courses and major in a certain company then you should make it a point that you contain the department head letter. This will be very important to the school or the department wherein you wanted to be enrolled in. Dean, Commerce Department Divine Word University, USA Sir/Madam: This is for reference of Mr. Joseph Compton who would like to take business course under your guidance at the Diving Word University. Mr. Compton has been my student for four years and I can assure you that he is a very bright and responsible student, in my almost forty years of experience, I can say that Mr. Compton is one of the brightest and the most common students that I had. His undergraduate business plan was great in fact, it can be compared to those that are made by graduate students and are now into master’s degree in business course in the US. I believe that once Mr. Compton is under your guidance then his business knowledge and

Tenant Reference Letter

n making a tenant reference letter it must really address the good things about the tenant. This helps your former tenant to be accepted to his next home. In making this kind of letter you need to really make it effective and believable. Francis Brown 256 Angle Street Brandon, England February 06, 2003 Dear Mr. Brown Recommending Michael Freeman who has been a tenant to me for two years gives me so much happiness. He never had a bad payment history and often paid his rent prior or on the owed date. At first, there were grievance s about the earsplitting music from his home, but he felt sorry and instantly stopped it when he’s confronted about it. Michael had no complaints from home care taker and keeper and has considered being a really affable man. He handed me enough notice of his planned vacation and it gave me ample time to look for a substitute. Michael left his place in nice condition and without any damages to all the furniture. Michael has been one of my wonderful occupants. I

Sample Child Custody Reference Letter

A divorce may be a solution for a couple to come out of an incompatible relationship; it is very traumatic for the child of such a marriage. It becomes more painful if there is a tussle among the parents for the custody of the child. It is the duty of the court to take care of the child till the final decision. The court has its own child care center that only permit and give the custody of the child to the beholder of the child custody letter. Here is a sample child custody reference letter: From: Grace Williams Session Court, 6 th  Revenue Park Street, Ohio, US Dear Madam, I would like to bring it to your notice that Jonathan is still living with her mother as ordered by the children’s court on appeal of his mother regarding his custody. After all the sessions and listening to both the sides the court had denied the appeal of Jonathan’s father for his custody. The court is agreed with the defense regarding the custody and believes that the kid needs mother at his formative stage and

Sample character reference letter

Someone has rightly said take away my money, you take nothing; take away my character, you take everything. ”A good character has no parameters .Yet we need appreciation of the society for it. No one wants to stand condemned, by the ones around him. Here is a sample character reference letter: From: Dr. Edward Rich Department of Zoology, University Of Manhattan, New York 22 nd  June, 2010 To Whom It May Concern, This letter is to confirm that Ms. Barbara Ayden was my student during her post graduation and I was her guide for her dissertation. She was an excellent student with a brilliant mind and kind heart. Her performance was exemplary and she was all very thoughtful. She was always ready with new ideas and great zeal. Her work was very admirable and authentic. Along with her academics she was good at many other things which are the results of her inherent qualities of a writer, singer and a very promising anchor. She can prove to be an excellent researcher and must be given a chance

Character Reference Letter For Job

Someone has rightly said take away my money, you take nothing; take away my character, you take everything. ”A good character has no parameters .Yet we need appreciation of the society for it. No one wants to stand condemned, by the ones around him. Here is a sample character reference letter: From: Marry Smith Human Resource Manager, Technotech Inc., Auckland 1 st  June, 2010 To whom it may concern: This is to confirm that Ms. Angela Woody has been working with us for past 3 years. She was appointed as a Web Designer and she did a good job in all these years. Her performance was up to the mark. She has been a hardworking and diligent person during the tenure with us. She has worked on various projects undertaken by us successfully; she has headed many projects where she has shown her sharp skills and industrious mind. She is a very enthusiastic and creative person and always gives her 100% to her work. The designs she made were simply awesome and were appreciated by our clients. Her c

Scholarship Recommendation Letter Sample

Dear Name, I wish to recommend ____________ for____________ scholarship program. I have known him from past four years during which he was the student of electronics _____________ is very hard working and is a motivation and inspiration to other students. He has always overcome his financial hardships and tried to excel in all fields; he is extremely good in academics and also actively participates in all co curricular activities. He is also a good sportsman and has won many awards for the college. He has always taken care of his finances by doing part-time joins and giving tuition to his juniors. He is very popular among the fellow students and is a very intelligent, hardworking, humble and with excellent leadership qualities. He has always shown his interest in academic and has always stood ahead in studies work. He is one student who actively participates in the classroom discussions and always stand out to help her fellow students. I sincerely recommend __________ for the scholarsh

Work Reference Letter Sample

A work reference letter is an informative letter that holds your opinion about the person you are referring. It is a kind of frame which helps the employer to know about the character and other things about the employee that are important for the work environment. Here is a sample work reference letter: 26 th  May, 2010 To whom it may concern I wish to confirm that I know Joe Smith for three years and I would like to recommend him as a candidate for employment with your company. Joe joined me as a software tester and since then his performance is highly commendable. During all the years of his service he made an exemplary growth and promoted to the post of senior tester with a team of four under his supervision. He has an excellent command over his subject and he is extremely organized while working. His honesty and responsible attitude are his key factors which make him completely fit for any organization. Joe would be a tremendous asset for your company and has my highest recommendat

Character Reference Letter from College

Dear Name, To whomsoever it may concern. This is in reference to the character reference letter for ___________(name). I am pleased to write about __________ as she has been an outstanding performer in her three year degree course. She was my student of physics class from past three years and she is very attentive, focused and enthusiastic in the class. She is one who takes initiative and also does extra work other than her studies. She is always among the toppers which prove her dedication and hard work. Apart from academics she has very good communication skill and is a fun loving personality. She will always prove to be an asset to the organization. During the past three years she has never involved in any kind of malpractices and is very regular to college. Her friendly and helpful nature is famous across the college and she is always ready to help others who are not as good in studies as her. She is an outgoing personality and somebody who would like to mix up with anyone. I am su

Sample Scholarship Reference Letter

When writing a reference letter explain how you know the applicant and how long you have known him/her. Explain the applicant’s qualities, skills, prior experience, achievements and other things that put him apart from the crowd. Give a detail account of his academics and his abilities and all the things that make him an eligible candidate. Also mention your qualification and contact information as it will give the reader a clear picture about you and he will give a serious consideration to your letter. Here is a sample scholarship reference letter: Young Scientists Scholarship Panel, Regional Centre for Biotechnology, Takhteshahi Road, New Delhi. 30 th  April, 2010 Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing with great pleasure to urge you to seriously consider Weng Johnson for the Young Scientists Scholarship that is announced by the Regional Centre for Biotechnology, India. Weng Johnson is a student of Trinity University and has been working under my guidance on the tissue culture of medicinal pla

Student Reference Letter

From: Your Name, Your Address, Your City state, zip Your Phone number, Your Email Date To: Name Position, Department Office address, City, State, Zip. Dear Sir, (Name) is been selected as one of the trainee employee of the company have known her from past two years and I have been her lecturer for two years. I have been always impressed by her hard work and dedication towards studies and other activities. She is an active player in whatever she takes up. She is very popular among the peer group and is always ready to give a helping hand to her friends when necessary. She is excellent in her studies and one among the top students. She is always interested and eager to learn new concepts and I am sure if given a chance she will be the best candidate you have selected. She is very good in her subject and I am sure she will be great help and support to your team. Being a go-getter and achiever she has achieved all her goals in studies during her stay in college, I recommend her strongly fo