Wife is an inseparable part of once life and no one ever want to get apart from her. But if separation is destined then it is good to say bye with thank you to her for all that she has given you. The letter will not only say farewell but will also give a special feeling when she will know how important she is for you because sometimes it is important to express through words.
Here is a sample goodbye letter to wife:
25th June, 2010
Dear Anna,
Writing a letter is not enough to repay for everything that you have done for me. Still before going away from you I want to tell you how much I love you and how important you are for me. In these 35 years of our successful married life I never felt alone because you, my soul mate, was with me at every step of my life, supporting and encouraging me. Your strong and positive attitude has always been my inspiration
I am really lucky that god has blessed me with the most beautiful, wise, loving and caring lady in the world.
Through this letter I want to thank you for everything. Thank you for being my soul mate, thank you for giving me 2 pretty angles, for making my house a true paradise, thank you for supporting me and for being my strength.
Anna we both know it is time to go and even doctors also answered that my cancer is at last stage. I just want to say goodbye to you before I go and want to take a promise from you that you will be strong and live your life with the same zeal. Take care of the kids.
I love you my sweetheart.
Always yours,